All You Need to Learn About Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a painful condition that can have an impact on your everyday life. It’s a disease where the lining of the uterus starts growing outside the uterus. This condition causes severe pain in the pelvis region and makes it harder for a woman to get pregnant. Endometriosis can start during the first menstrual period and last until menopause. The cause of this condition is unknown, which means we are still in the dark and don’t know how to prevent endometriosis. As there is no cure, you can treat the symptoms and get endometriosis pain relief with proper medication and, in some cases, surgery.
IRM (Indian Institute of Reproductive Medicine) conducts several campaigns free of charge to raise awareness of this issue. If you want to treat this chronic inflammatory condition, then our knowledgeable and skilled team of doctors can help you with effective endometriosis supportive therapy. Here are the most common lesion types that can occur:
1. Cystic ovarian endometriosis that’s found in the ovaries—endometrioma
2. Superficial endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum
3. Endometriosis outside the pelvis
4. Deep endometriosis in the bladder, bowel, and recto-vaginal septum
The Most Common Symptoms of Endometriosis
During your menstrual cycle, endometriosis can cause severe pain in the pelvis. Things might aggravate, and pain during sex or even while using the bathroom might occur. However, surprisingly, some women with endometriosis do not have any of the symptoms. The most common symptom, if at all, might be pain in the lower part of the belly (that is, the pelvis). The pain is noticeable.
1. During or after sexual activity
2. During the menstrual cycle
3. During urination or when defecating
However, some people might also experience:
1. Heavy bleeding during menstruation
2. Chronic pelvic pain
3. Bloating and nausea
4. Depression or anxiety
5. Fatigue
6. Trouble while getting pregnant
These symptoms might improve after menopause; however, it’s not always the case. The endometriosis symptoms are broad and variable, which is why an endometriosis healthcare professional needs to be consulted.
Impact of Endometriosis
Endometriosis has significant implications. Due to severe pain, it can decrease the quality of your life. The debilitating pain prevents individuals from carrying on with their daily activities, like going to school or work. Painful sex can make them avoid any kind of sexual activity that affects their relationship with their partner. Addressing endometriosis is vital to empower women to lead a pain-free and stress-free life with the highest standards of reproductive and sexual health, thereby enhancing their own well-being.
Prevention and Diagnosis
While there is currently no cure as the cause of endometriosis is still unknown, early diagnosis might help in managing the symptoms and providing some relief to the individual.
When diagnosing the disease, a history of chronic pelvic pain and menstrual symptoms are evaluated. Several screening tools and tests are tested and proposed for diagnosing the ailment, but none of them can predict with accuracy. However, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and ultrasonography are some of the tests that can help determine the condition. Apart from that, histologic or laparoscopic confirmation can be extremely helpful in confirming endometriosis.
Endometriosis Treatment
As said above, there is no cure, but endometriosis treatment can manage the symptoms of the disease. The treatment and medications need to be managed based on the severity of the symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal medications, contraceptive pills, and painkillers are given to tackle the pain and have proved to be the best pain relief for endometriosis.
However, if the patient is planning a pregnancy, then fertility procedures and medicines can help. Surgery is sometimes suggested to remove the endometriosis lesions, scar tissue, and adhesions.
Whatever your call, discuss the treatment options with a reputed healthcare provider before starting your journey to a better and more fulfilling life.
Manage endometriosis with IRM! Connect with our doctors today!